Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why does a salad cost more than a Big Mac?

I received this from a friend. This graphic was recently published by the Consumerist, with the few words, “This is why you’re fat.” Find an article talking about it HERE.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Please accept my resignation

No - not from blogging. In fact, I think that you will find that my blogging should be increasing soon.

I have resigned from my job. That's the big news I spoke of in the previous post. It was an easy - yet difficult decision.

My last day will be May 5, eight weeks away. Given my position I wanted to be able to give them as much as time as possible to come up with a transition plan.

We've been thinking about this at some level or another since Caleb was born. It picked up intensity when we found out we were pregnant again. But the bottom line was this - Alex and I are insanely busy. I can say confidently that everyone who knows us rarely knows anyone busier than the 2 of us. It has been taxing and stressful.

Some time ago I heard Andy Stanley preaching on a podcast about making wise decisions. He spoke at length about this verse, Proverbs 22:3:

A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

He talked about how he and his wife made that verse their prayer - that the Lord would help them to see danger and give them wisdom to take refuge. He talked about how God's answer to those prayers had led them to make decisions that really couldn't be explained otherwise.

This is how Alex and I feel. We see danger in the pace of our life. We love the Lord. We cherish our marriage and are so thankful that it is strong. We want more than anything to raise Godly children who deeply love the Lord and seek His will for their lives.

The pace of our current lives would lead us away from accomplishing that ultimate goal of raising Godly children. I am so busy and over-extended that I often fail to study the Word as I used to and should. I fail to pray as I used to and should. Alex is such a wonderful leader of our home and encourages me to read and pray.

We are always so tired and stressed out. Lately Alex has had a cold for weeks that won't go away and I get daily tension headaches. Both of these are directly related to our current lifestyle.

Something has to give; and we decided to choose what that would be while we still could.

I'm excited and nervous about this new stage in my life. I am sad to leave The Children's Trust. It has been such a wonderful place to work. I am mostly sad about leaving the wonderful friends and colleagues that I have worked with for the past six years. I am also sad about not being a part of the good work that is done as a result of The Trust. The place is doing so much to improve Miami.

However, I know that I will have no regrets. As we move forward our goals are to grow and strengthen the spiritual and physical health of this family. There are behaviors that I want to instill in Caleb and this means ensuring that I live them daily. We will be changing things for the better.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Since the day of Caleb's surgery to implant Eustachian tubes in his ears he has had SUCH an improved appetite. Not only is he eating more (most of the time) but since the surgery he has rarely (may once or twice) had baby food - he has been eating table food. So here are foods that I'm happy that he seems to like:

Lightly salted edamame
other green veggies (peas, green beans)
Crazy for bananas
Trying now veggies cooked in lentil stew

He is basically willing to try anything that he sees us eat. But some days he likes the food (almost always the first time) and then he doesn't. Like strawberries - some days he'll eat them all up, other days he'll spit them out. I'm less happy about how much he LOVES all things made from bread - but oh well.

He is often moody in his high chair - I think he ultimately hates being restrained in things - he also dislikes the car seat. That moodiness makes it so that he ends up of gagging some b/c he's complaining w/ food in his mouth.

He's teething something crazy - getting 4 molars, and one other tooth.