It is very difficult to surprise me. Not because I'm nosy or go snooping for gifts - but simply b/c I have an amazing way of becoming totally obnoxious about the thing that is the surprise w/out even knowing that I have it waiting for me. This most acutely effects Alex. Let me give you some examples:
I first wanted a Boston Terrier when I was in college and met one that belonged to one of my cousins. I fell in love. YEARS went by and I kept wanting the dog. So about a year before Alex and I get married, I decided that the time was right for me to finally have a dog. So I began looking for breeders and reading information on them. I became almost obsessed, I finally found a litter not far away in Ft. Lauderdale and told Alex that I wanted us to go look at them. He put me off. Finally after about 2 weeks of my bugging him, he got really frustrated and said that he was going to buy me a puppy for Christmas (about a month away) - and he hopes I'm happy now that I have no surprise! In the end he semi-surprised me b/c the litter was near his work, he went and saw them and told me that the puppies didn't look well-bred and we should keep looking. In reality, he had put a deposit down on Pete while he was there and surprised me later.
Fast forward to just before our 2 year anniversary (dating). I'm embarrassed to admit that I had begun applying the 'we need to get married' pressure, and exactly one week before our anniversary we got into an argument about 'the future' - and I was crying and upset b/c he didn't want to commit. At the same moment, by best friend Lourdes calls me to meet her at a Bridal shop to see the dress she had found for her wedding. I show up in a foul mood.
If you haven't guessed already, exactly one week later Alex proposes on our 2-year anniversary - and I feel like a total heel. During our entire argument, he had to endure me complaining and arguing while 'the ring' sat in another room.
So. About 2 months ago, Alex and I started looking at elliptical training machines. My gym membership is about to expire and he needs to work out too, but is too picky to commit to a gym. So we decided that w/ the baby coming, it would make more sense to buy a machine for the house. Then we can use that in combination with our bikes and our neighborhood w/ sidewalks for walking/jogging. We had found one we liked right before we started the patio project so the elliptical went on hold.
Well, now the patio is finished, so I (logically) started thinking that we should return to the elliptical idea...and I started bugging Alex. (just a little) - Alex this week can you call the gym place and negotiate the elliptical? -Alex, maybe today you can call the gym-guy and finalize the elliptical?
So during breakfast yesterday, I mention that second statement...and Alex sighs and says. "Shaleen, I went to the place and bought it on Wednesday, it will be delivered in a week and a half. I was going to surprise you."
I suck. I don't MEAN to do that! I'm not even a nagging wife! I just happen to find these things every once in a while. I really, really LIKE surprises!