Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary to my Hubby!

I am continually thankful for being blessed with Alex. Today is our third anniversary! And while it seems that so much has changed in the last three years there is also so much that hasn't changed. The constant throughout the years is that he is my best friend. Our friendship has such depth that stays fresh and new time and again.

I love those moments when we are watching TV and one or both of us begins to sniffle and we realize that we're both teary eyed from something stupid, and we both laugh at each other - like that Humane Society Commercial with the dog that looked like Miles. I love you so much for the great, big heart that you have!

Thank you, Alex, for challenging me in so many areas in my life. You challenge me in my faith, my logic and decision making. You help me to be a better person and definitely a better Christian and wife. You are teaching me to challenge my own thoughts and understand where they come from. This makes me a better wife, because sometimes, I get to take that skill and use it on you when I recognize that you need to think deeper about a particular thing. This balance that we have to challenge each other and keep one another accountable is so valuable!

You are a complex person! I still believe that you are most unique in that you are so talented artistically and creatively - but then also so extremely 'left-brained' as well - always needing to learn more and grow intellectually. I truly hope that I help you and challenge you as you do for me.

I am so excited to see what God has in store for our lives! I love you so much!


1 comment:

Ann Marie said...

AHHH! Happy Anniversary! (belated; so sorry!)