Friday, June 13, 2008

WAY better than expected

Hi people - So today we finally had our appointment at the fertility clinic to review 'take two' of the semen analysis. It was WAY better than I expected!!

I'll just get to the good news right away -- while we're still not 'normal', the doctor did say that that we 'could' conceive naturally. I can't believe it!!! She said that there is a chance. Her first comment when she looked at the pre/post-surgery analyes was that we had "marked improvement". She confirmed that we would never in a million years had conceived on our own with the previous spermie stats, but now there is a chance. She was impressed that the improvement was so good considering that the 2nd analysis was done only 4 months after the surgery - she thinks that we should keep trying and do another analysis in August or September after we pass the 6-month post-surgery mark - 'unless I miss a period before then". If that happens, then she said call the office ASAP so that they can do a blood pregnancy test.

I am so thankful! I realize now, and have to confess, that I had a lack of faith. I only realize that now by how surprised I was to hear that we could conceive naturally. Please continue to pray for us as we are below normal. But as the Bible shows time and again - God rarely (only one time, creation) makes something out of nothing. But over and over again in the Bible He makes something amazing out of very little. If you want to hear the sermon that really spoke to me on this exact topic go to Elevation Church.

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